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Bitwage Business Recurring Payroll

Are you paying your workers similar amounts each pay period? Set up recurring payroll to make life easier!

With the recurring payroll feature, you have the ability to set up automatic repeats of payroll amounts weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. 

This feature is especially useful for businesses with consistent pay schedules or employees who receive the same amount each pay period. 


How to Create a Recurring Payroll 

How to Manage A Recurring Payroll - Edit, Pause, Delay, Delete

Do I need to do anything else in Bitwage after setting this up?

Can I change funding methods?


How to Create Recurring Payrolls


1. From your Admin account go to Paryoll and select Recurring Payrolls.


2. Select Create Recurring Payroll.


3. Input General details

Title - This is your internal name for your payroll.

Currency - Choose the currency of your employee compensation

Description - Any notes that will be helpful


4. Input Date Details and Pay Period

Start Date:  the date you want your first payroll to be created

Recurring Period: the pay period or how often you want the payroll to be recreated


5. Designate Recipients and Payment amounts

You can select from a list and input pay or upload by csv

6. Create Payroll! You will not have a payroll that automatically generates according to your specified frequency. Please note you will still need to confirm your payroll funding method each time. 



7. You will now see you payroll displayed in your Recurring Payroll list. From here you can see the next date and status of your payrolls. 



How to Manage A Recurring Payroll - Edit, Pause, Delay, Delete


From your recurring payroll selection click into the payroll you want to work on. 


In the upper right, click the blue box to display management options

  • Edit
      • Change the name, recipients, amounts or frequency of your payroll
  • Delay
      • This allows you to push your payroll back. Select the calendar date you want your next payroll to be created. Payrolls will commence on the same schedule after this date.

  • Pause
      • This will stop payroll creation. When you want to resume new payrolls will be created based off the start date.

  • Delete
      • Payroll will be deleted from your recurring payroll section but you will still be able to see payrolls created from it under Payroll History.


Do I need to do anything else in Bitwage after setting this up?

Yes! You will need to send and confirm the payroll funding method each time. This lets Bitwage know the funds are on the way and where to expect their arrival!

In order to confirm payroll method


Can I change funding methods?

Yes! When you confirm your funding method you can select a different option to see details for sending. No editing of the recurring payroll required.