What are the costs for receiving Bitwage payments?

At Bitwage, we provide flexible pricing options tailored to individual needs. Our prices are designed to be affordable and accessible, whether you work as a freelancer, remotely, or receive international payments.


How much does it cost to open an account with Bitwage?

Opening an account with Bitwage is completely free! You can sign up and explore our services without any charges.

 What are the costs associated with Bitwage?

At Bitwage, we operate primarily on a pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for the transactions you make. This approach ensures that you only pay for what you use. The costs may vary depending on the currency in which you receive your payments. Additionally, if you choose to receive payments in cryptocurrencies, the costs may vary depending on the crypto network you use.


Are there any cost differences between standard and premium accounts?

Yes, premium accounts at Bitwage often come with additional benefits that can affect the costs compared to a standard account. To learn about the premium benefits, you can check out the following  link.

How can I find out how much I will be charged?

To determine exactly how much you will be charged, we have provided the following table of stablecoin costs.


Costs of Stablecoins with standard membership:

Token      Network Variable Fee Fixed fee with standard account
USDT Ethereum 3% $15
USDT Tron 3% None
USDC Ethereum 2% $15
USDC Stellar 2% None
DAI Ethereum 2% $15
CUSD (dólar Celo ) Celo 2% None


Costs of Stablecoins with premium membership:

Token Network Variable fees Fixed fee with premium account
USDT** Ethereum 3% None
USDT** Tron 3% None
USDC Ethereum 2% None
USDC Stellar 2% None
DAI** Ethereum 2% None
CUSD (dólar Celo ) Celo 2% None


If you have any further questions about the costs or anything else regarding Bitwage, feel free to ask. We are here to assist you.