To invite your workers aboard so you can start creating payroll orders please follow the steps below:

Step-by-step guide
1. To add workers click on Payroll under your bitWAGE BUSINESS dashboard.

Here is a tutorial you may share with your employees.
At this point when the employees have set up their allocations and are ready to be paid you should see them as Fully Set up Workers.
Creating a Payroll
To create a payroll manually, type in the worker's email and make sure to select the payroll currency. Input the amount in the box for each worker and then you should be prompted to the funding options after clicking on the Create Payroll Blue button at the bottom right.

Funding Options
Click and confirm your funding method so you can get access to the payment details required.
By default, ACH Debit and Credit Card funding are only enabled once having a payment history on the platform, so only eligible for existing Companies.

The order will then show as Created and you can track its status from start to finish by checking following instances.
The payroll should be seen as marked as Received once funds arrive to Bitwage.
Processing will show green after payments are broadcasted which normally occurs on SAME day for Businesses subscribed to Bitwage Premium.
Finally, workers will have their funds available into their allocations, then the payroll is marked as Fulfilled.
NOTE: For crypto funding please DM us at our public Slack.